2022 has been a blur, seriously can’t believe we’re already staring 2023 in the face…they say “time flies when you’re having fun” but it also speeds by when you’re working your ass off! We originally planned on releasing the album over the summer…but life happens and every time we tried to wrap the project, we found it still simmerin’ and not ready to take off the burner yet. We’ve been cookin’ up this dish for so looong now…the flavors are intense and are gonna blow your mind. All the extra refining and a couple artists we were blessed to collab with on a couple tracks added loads of depth to the album and we couldn’t be more excited to finally share it with the world!
As of today, we are putting the final touches on the remaining mixes and will be mastering the album by years end. We’re considering droppin’ a single before years end but no decisions or dates are set in stone yet. We’re gonna get this phatty rolled up once and for all and share it with everyone early 2023! Thank you for your patience and continued interest in new StoneTribe music. We’re very anxious to get this album off our hearts and onto your favorite music platform, stick with us and it’ll be worth the wait, promise 😉