Rumors continue to spread about the whereabouts of the infamous StoneTribe character “RastaFoot”. Sightings have been reported from the redwood forests of northern Cali to remote islands off the shores of Florida. It appears RastaFoot is indeed REAL and prefers warm & sunny environments as opposed to earlier assumptions that he likely preferred colder damp forestlands in the northwest, similar to his early ancestor, known as the “BigFoot”. This evolved subspecies of the sasquatch bloodline is reported to enjoy Reggae music, positive vibrations and can even play guitar….somehow. He was last seen interrupting a large drum circle following the Cali Vibes Reggae Festival and has since vanished again!
If you know anything about the whereabouts of RastaFoot please contact StoneTribe
IMMEDIATELY and DO NOT under and circumstances try to approach or feed the Sasquatch in question. Intelligence suggests another visit to an upcoming Reggae show is imminent and everyone should be vigilant and ensure you have enough snacks on hand to satisfy the insatiable munchies the beast is known to have. He can tear through a bag of cool ranch Doritos in 10 seconds flat, according to eyewitness reports. Beware and be safe out there!
Here’s a photo of the most recent sighting for help identifying the subject: